Date Heure Message   (73)
30/07/2024 24h 00' 00" Jour purgé, 21895 lignes pour le 30/07/2024
30/07/2024 23h 52' 49" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 23h 38' 22" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 23h 08' 04" I2C : 23h 7m 59s. Désynchro. de 1 sec..
30/07/2024 22h 49' 59" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 22h 20' 53" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 22h 01' 36" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 21h 13' 14" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 20h 49' 02" Resync.
30/07/2024 20h 49' 00" FAN ON.
30/07/2024 20h 48' 59" SD card. URL/19000000.TXT
30/07/2024 20h 48' 56" SD card. STATION/19000000.TXT
30/07/2024 20h 48' 51" Démarrage de la Station Météo avec la version 2.41.
30/07/2024 20h 48' 29" Compagnon reboote la station météo. BUG.
30/07/2024 20h 44' 13" Compagnon reboote la station météo. BUG.
30/07/2024 20h 40' 00" Compagnon reboote la station météo. BUG.
30/07/2024 20h 35' 40" Compagnon reboote la station météo. BUG.
30/07/2024 20h 31' 23" Compagnon reboote la station météo. BUG.
30/07/2024 20h 27' 06" Compagnon reboote la station météo. BUG.
30/07/2024 19h 37' 32" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 19h 03' 33" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 18h 49' 05" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 18h 18' 44" I2C : 18h 18m 40s. Désynchro. de 1 sec..
30/07/2024 18h 00' 38" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 17h 31' 32" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 17h 12' 12" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 16h 23' 47" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 15h 59' 43" 17New turn with Version 2.41.
30/07/2024 15h 59' 41" End Cycle en 4.9253 s par tour (moy).
30/07/2024 15h 50' 06" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 15h 01' 38" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 14h 27' 39" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 14h 13' 12" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 13h 42' 50" I2C : 13h 42m 46s. Désynchro. de 1 sec..
30/07/2024 13h 24' 44" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 12h 55' 40" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 12h 36' 21" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 11h 47' 57" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 11h 23' 51" 16New turn with Version 2.41.
30/07/2024 11h 23' 50" End Cycle en 4.9286 s par tour (moy).
30/07/2024 11h 14' 16" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 10h 25' 49" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 10h 13' 05" FAN ON.
30/07/2024 09h 51' 47" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 09h 37' 19" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 09h 06' 57" I2C : 9h 6m 53s. Désynchro. de 1 sec..
30/07/2024 08h 48' 51" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 08h 19' 42" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 08h 00' 24" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 07h 11' 56" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 06h 47' 49" 15New turn with Version 2.41.
30/07/2024 06h 47' 48" End Cycle en 4.9232 s par tour (moy).
30/07/2024 06h 38' 15" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 06h 18' 10" FAN OFF.
30/07/2024 05h 53' 48" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 05h 05' 00" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 04h 34' 47" I2C : 4h 31m 0s. Désynchro. de 1 sec..
30/07/2024 04h 16' 05" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 03h 46' 55" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 03h 28' 02" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 02h 39' 33" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 02h 15' 49" 14New turn with Version 2.41.
30/07/2024 02h 15' 47" End Cycle en 4.9271 s par tour (moy).
30/07/2024 01h 30' 06" BDD sauvée :
30/07/2024 01h 17' 47" Rw SD-card.
30/07/2024 01h 03' 38" Fin du tir laser.
30/07/2024 01h 00' 00" Debut du tir laser.
30/07/2024 00h 43' 27" Hygo. 3 HS.
30/07/2024 00h 14' 17" End Kal lux. Rapport=1.959142
30/07/2024 00h 04' 32" Start Kal lux.
30/07/2024 00h 01' 00" SD Card. URL/20240730.TXT
30/07/2024 00h 00' 56" SD Card. STATION/20240730.TXT
30/07/2024 00h 00' 00" Il est minuit. Je vois le serveur disponible. Il faut stocker.